
'An artful mosaic of honest comment from people speaking with real emotion'

— House of St Barnabas Member


‘A beautiful and moving little film with big ideas.’

— Polly Wiseman, Fireraisers

‘Hydrocracker’s film packs much energy and punch and thought into 6 minutes.’

— Roger Hyams


‘Astonishing little film from one of the UK’s most exciting and experimental theatre groups.’

— Sue Matthias, Financial Times


‘God I loved this.  Really. I would love to have it on our website. Beautiful.’

— Tomasina Unsworth, Principal ICT (Institute Contemporary Theatre) Brighton

‘I loved the piece. It was very moving and it’s amazing how many small details I have forgotten from the first lockdown. This will be treasured in a good way to provoke memories of this strange time. Proud to be apart of it!’

— Tina Barratt

‘I have watched the film and really enjoyed it and feel proud to have been involved with it.

I found it very engaging and particularly liked that it was inclusive and accessible, especially because I am a parent of a differently abled child.’

— Kimberley Thornhill

‘It is a beautiful film. Well done to everyone. Azza will be very pleased that her words are there, as will Azza’s family.

I love the film very much Jem and want to thank you for asking people in East Brighton to be involved in it. ‘

— Maggie Anderson


‘What a great concept.  I've heard a lot of people waffling on with their lockdown stories, but you coined a neat and brilliant discipline. ‘

— David Annen